Thursday, October 11

Pre-Departure Exercise {jsL}

My Favorite Dress

My "pre-departure exercise" was returned to me today and I was reacquainted with all the surreal "goals" that I had hope to gain from studying in Ireland. They felt like old childhood friends who have not moved into the present. Not surprisingly I have changed and it felt like I was reading someone else's list. I was so restless and artistically constipated that ancient Ireland and the tiny Burren College of Art was exactly what my soul needed. Cheesy perhaps, but at the time Clark held nothing new for me, I've already "done Clark" for two and a half years. Secretly I also wanted to run away from myself because I had fallen into a hole and physically leaving the country was the only solution. I wasn't the only one needing a fresh perspective on life, as I happily found out that first freezing afternoon at Orchard House...

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