Feeling just a bit burned out from my projects... SoOo, what is the best way to amend this situation?? A list of what I love!
travel channel, cadbury chocolate, warm apple cider, panda bears, strawberry cream cheese, snow angels, friday afternoons, ghosts, fireplaces, indie pop, chicken caesar salad, conceptual anything, long breakfasts, Samantha Brown, lattes, holding hands, Greek yogurt, J-Horror, tickling other people, everything bagels, always misspelling bagels "begals", hot cocoa, flowers, being lovey-dovey, last one standing (a very masculine discovery channel show), coffee houses, kittens, Hannah, waking up to a snowfall, tangerines, the today show, tripe, ghost hunters, Grant from ghost hunters, Christmas lighting, arts and crafts, homemade gifts, family, friends, you.
I have difficulty dealing with: canned soup, the Chinese government, having sandwiches for dinner, a block of cement with tiny pebbles stuck to it...
These are beautiful...
i like your list.... i'm going to link your blog. esp. now that we're going to be interns at worcester mag together!
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